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A. 学術論文


A17. Improved thermoelectric performance of highly-oriented nanocrystalline bismuth antimony telluride thin films.
Masayuki Takashiri, Saburo Tanaka, Koji Miyazaki.
Thin Solid Films 519 (2010) 619-624.

A16. Development of microcrystalline silicon thin films with high deposition rate (over 10 nm/sec) using VHF hollow electrode enhanced glow plasma .
Masayuki Takashiri, Toshihiro Tabuchi.
Surface & Coatings Technology 204 (2010) 3525-3529.

A15. Bi0.4Te3.0Sb1.6ナノ多孔体の熱伝導率.
熱物性 24 (2010), 94-100.

A14. Cross-plane thermal conductivity of highly oriented nanocrystalline bismuth antimony telluride thin films.
Masayuki Takashiri, Saburo Tanaka, Koji Miyazaki, Hiroshi Tsukamoto.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 490 (2010) L44-L47.


A13. Effect of grain size on thermoelectric properties of n-type nanocrystalline bismuth-telluride based thin films.
Masayuki Takashiri, Saburo Tanaka, Koji Miyazaki, Hiroshi Tsukamoto.
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (2008) 084302 .

A12. Fabrication and characterization of Bi0.4Te3.0Sb1.6 nanoparticles and their thin films.
Masayuki Takashiri, Saburo Tanaka, Makoto Takiishi, Masahiro Kihara, Koji Miyazaki, Hiroshi Tsukamoto.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 462 (2008) 351-355.

A11. Structural and thermoelectric properties of fine-grained Bi0.4Te3.0Sb1.6 thin films with preferred orientation deposited by flash evaporation method.
Masayuki Takashiri, Koji Miyazaki, Hiroshi Tsukamoto.
Thin Solid Films 516 (2008) 6336-6343.


A10. Fast chemical vapor deposition of microcrystalline silicon by applying magnetic field to hollow electrode enhanced radio frequency glow plasma.
Toshihiro Tabuchi, Masayuki Takashiri, Koichi Ishida.
Surface and Coatings Technology 202 (2007) 114-120.

A9. Thermoelectric Properties of Bismuth-Telluride Thin Films and Their Thermoelectric Generators.
Masayuki Takashiri, Toshiteru Shirakawa, Koji Miyazaki, Hiroshi Tsukamoto.
International Journal of Transport Phenomena 9 (2007) 261-270.

A8. Thermoelectric properties of n-type nanocrystalline bismuth-telluride based thin films deposited by flash evaporation.
Masayuki Takashiri, Makoto Takiishi, Saburo Tanaka, Koji Miyazaki, Hiroshi Tsukamoto.
Journal of Applied Physics 101 (2007) 074301.

A7. Fabrication and characterization of bismuth-telluride-based alloy thin film thermoelectric generators by a flash evaporation method.
Masayuki Takashiri, Toshiteru Shirakawa, Koji Miyazaki, Hiroshi Tsukamoto.
Sensors and Actuators A 138 (2007) 329-334.

A6. Fabrication and characterization of Bi0.4Te3.0Sb1.6 thin films by flash evaporation method.
Masayuki Takashiri, Toshiteru Shirakawa, Koji Miyazaki, Hiroshi Tsukamoto.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 441 (2007) 246-250.


A5. フラッシュ蒸着法によるn型ビスマステルライド系薄膜の生成.
日本機械学会論文集A 72 (2006) 1793-1798.

A4. Structure and thermoelectric properties of boron doped nanocrystalline Si0.8Ge0.2 thin film.
Masayuki Takashiri, Theodorian Borca-Tasciuc, Alexandre Jacquot, Koji Miyazaki, Gang Chen.
Journal of Applied Physics 100 (2006) 54315.

A3. Hollow electrode enhanced radio frequency glow plasma and its application to the chemical vapor deposition of microcrystalline silicon.
Toshihiro Tabuchi, Hiroyuki Mizukami, Masayuki Takashiri.
Journal of Vacuum Science Technology A 22 (2004) 2139-2144.

A2. Hollow electrode enhanced RF glow plasma for the fast deposition of microcrystalline silicon.
Toshihiro Tabuchi, Masayuki Takashiri, Hiroyuki Mizukami.
Surface and Coatings Technology 173 (2003) 243-248 .

A1. 移行式アークジェットの運動量損失に関する考察.
桜木俊一、 高尻雅之.
日本機械学会論文集B60 (1994) 1632-1638.

B. 学会発表 (国際)


B13. Printed thermoelectric thick film for thermoelectric generator.
Koji Miyazaki, Masayuki Takashiri, Saburo Tanaka, Harutoshi Hagino, Yoshihiro Hashimoto.
International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2011), July 17 - 21, 2011, Michigan, USA.

B12. Impact on Thermal Conductivities of Nanostructured Bismuth Telluride Based Thin Films.
Saburo Tanaka, Masayuki Takashiri, Koji Miyazaki.
8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference (AJTEC2011), March 13 - 17, 2011, Hawaii, USA.


B11. Thermal conductivity of nano-porous bismuth antimony telluride.
Saburo Tanaka, Masayuki Takashiri, Koji Miyazaki.
International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC14), August 8-13, 2010, Washington, DC, USA.


B10. Thermoelectric Properties of Nano-Structured Bismuth Telluride Thin Films.
Saburo Tanaka, Masayuki Takashiri, Koji Miyazaki, Hiroshi Tsukamoto.
2nd International Forum on Heat Transfer (IFHT), September 17-19, 2008, Tokyo, Japan.


B9. Fabrication of Nanoparitcle P-type Bismuth Telluride Thin Films and Their Thermoelectric Properties.
Saburo Tanaka, Koji Miyazaki, Hiroshi Tsukamoto , Masayuki Takashiri.
7th Pacific RIM conference on ceramic and glass technology (PACRIM-7), Nov 11-14, 2007, Shanghai, China.

B8. Development of a Micro-generator Based on Bi2Te3 Thin Films.
Koji Miyazaki, Jun-ichiro Kurosaki, Masayuki Takashiri, Bertrand Lenoir, Hiroshi Tsukamoto.
International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2007), June 3-7, 2007, Jeju, Island.

B 7. Thermoelectric micro-cooler of bismuth telluride thin films.
Koji Miyazaki, Jun-ichiro Kurosaki, Masayuki Takashiri, Bertrand Lenoir, Hiroshi Tsukamoto.
The ASME 2007 InterPACK conference, June 8-12, 2007, Vancouver, Canada.


B6. Flash Evaporated Thin Film of Bismuth Telluride.
Toshiteru Shirakawa, Masayuki Takashiri, Koji Miyazaki, Hiroshi Tsukamoto.
17th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-17), September, 4-8, 2006, Toyama, Japan.

B5. Polycrystalline Si0.8Ge0.2 thin film for micro power generators.
Masayuki Takashiri, Theodorian Borca-Tasciuc, Oluwamuyiwa Olubuyide, Alexandre Jacquot, Judy Hoyt, Gang Chen.
The first International Symposium on Micro&Nano Technology (1st-ISMNT), March 14-17, 2004, Hawaii, USA

B4. Thermal Conductivity Reduction Mechanisms in Superlattices.
Gang Chen, Chris Dames, Thomas Harris, Diana Borca-Tasiuc, Ronggi Yang, Bao Yang, Weili Liu, David Song, Masayuki Takashiri.
International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2003), August 17-21, Montpellier, France.

B3. Transport Properties of Polycrystalline Si0.8Ge0.2 Thin Films for Micro Power Generators.
Masayuki Takashiri, Theodorian Borca-Tasciuc, Oluwamuyiwa Olubuyide, Alexandre Jacquot, Judy Hoyt, Gang Chen.
International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2003), August 17-21, Montpellier, France.

B2. Hollow electrode enhanced RF glow plasma generation and its application to the fast deposition of microcrystalline silicon films.
Toshihiro Tabuchi, Masayuki Takashiri, Yasumasa Toyoshima, Hiroyuki Mizukami.
Material Research Society Symposium (MRS), April 21-25, San Francisco, USA.

B1. Impurity Behavior of LHCD Discharge in TRIAM-1M.
Masayuki Takashiri, Kazuo Nakamura, Shouji Kawasaki, Eriko Jotaki, Ken-ichi. Makino, Yukio Nakamura, Satoshi Itoh.
European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, July 26-30, 1993, Lisboa, Portugal.

C. 学会発表 (国内)

C3. 熱電マイクロジェネレーターの試作.
第12回日本機械学会動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム、 2007年6月14~15日、東京

C2. 3ω法を用いた薄膜の熱伝導率計測.
田中 三郎、滝石 誠、高尻 雅之、宮崎 康次、塚本 寛.
第44 回日本伝熱シンポジウム、2007年5月22~25日、長崎市

C1. 熱電半導体の薄膜生成とその評価.


9. 特開2007-324448 “熱電材料の製造方法”  高尻 雅之、宮崎 康次

8. 特開2000-273645 “表面処理装置” 田渕 俊宏、水上 裕之、石田 晃一、高尻 雅之、神村 竜也、藤本 慎一、豊嶋 康真

7. 特開平11-293469 “表面処理装置および表面処理方法” 桜木 俊一、水上 裕之、高尻 雅之

6. 特開2000-26975 “表面処理装置” 水上 裕之、高尻 雅之、豊嶋 康真、田渕 俊宏

5.特開2000-034571 “表面処理装置” 高尻 雅之、石田 晃一、田渕 俊宏

4.特開2001-226775 “表面処理装置” 水上 裕之、高尻 雅之、石田 晃一

3.特開2001-226775 “表面処理装置” 田渕 俊宏、石田 晃一、水上 裕之、高尻 雅之

2.特開2001-230208 “表面処理装置” 高尻 雅之、石田 晃一、水上 裕之、田渕 俊宏

1.特開2001-271168 “表面処理装置” 田渕 俊宏、高尻 雅之、石田 晃一、水上 裕之、豊嶋 康真、藤本 慎一
